oh...so cold.
They predicted snow...I see no snow. I think that is silly.
Band of the day: Tullycraft
Monday, December 05, 2005
Sunday, November 13, 2005
one year older.
Well...I'm one year older. The big 2-3. I don't feel any older. This weekend has been pretty decent. I made it to this place called "the plum" which is pretty cool. They're only open mon-fri until 2:30 so I had never been. It's pretty cool inside it's 3 levels, and they serve decent sandwiches. After that I went to the outlets, and just walked around. I went into the Harry and David store and they had republic of tea iced tea on sale...I grabbed 4 of the bottles. I my favorite kind of shoes for 20 bucks. Saucony Jazz's are awesome. I also went to Barnwood Books, which a used/rare/out of print bookstore across from the Washington County Public Library. It's pretty neat in there. I got Thumbsucker ther
e for so much less than it is in a regular bookstore. I finally decided to check out the Hub City General store and I'm so glad I did. They've got gelato there!! I had some and it was pretty freakin fantastic. If you happen to be in hagerstown you should definitely go there. It's 201 burhans, right near rt 40. I also went to Efrains Taqueira, which is like Chipotle, but hagerstown style. So all in all, it's been a nice birthday. One more day to go with my 4 day weekend. Monday will be bad...in anticipation of working on Tues.
Song of the weekend: Azure Ray- don't make a sound
Book: Diary of Kurt Cobain (brooke gave it to me)

Song of the weekend: Azure Ray- don't make a sound
Book: Diary of Kurt Cobain (brooke gave it to me)
Monday, November 07, 2005
oh well, ok
When I was driving home the other day I was listening to the radio, bad mistake I know. But the funniest song came on..."butterfly" by crazytown. These lyrics are horrible. I thought it amusing when they brought up sid and nancy. Sample from song:
I'm not really sure you'd like to compare your relationship to sid and nancy. Sure they loved each other but they were addicted to drugs. And that led to the demise of the sex pistols, and well...later to the death of both sid and nancy. I guess if they're into that thing, then well...ergh have fun.
So in other news. I got invited to my 5th year high school reunion. I feel kind of old. What's great about it, is that it's at have a nice day cafe. This place isn't a cafe, it's a club. I've never set foot in a club like that, so I'm not sure if I want to go or not. Plus the thing is $20 to attend, this includes all you can drink alcohol. Now, this would be great if I drank alcohol. If I do go I can't wait to see former classmates drunk! (note the sarcasm)
In funnier news, when I was driving in Frederick, I saw a pickup truck with the license plate "FREDNEK". Now most people don't find that amusing, but I literally laughed out loud when I saw that. I wish I could have taken a picture of that.
Googling "sima" fun: www.sima.com =Surf Industry Manufacturers Association
Song of the day: "At the party" by Northern State
Hey sugar momma, come and Dance with me. The smartest thing you ever did Was take a chance with me. So, whatever tickles your fancy. Girl it's me and you like Sid and Nancy. So sexy almost evil Talkin' about butterflies in my head. I used to think that happy endings Were only in the books I read. But you made me feel alive When I was almost dead. You filled that empty space With the love I used to chase And as far as I can see, It don't get better than this. So, butterfly, here is a song and it's sealed with a kiss. And a thank you miss.
I'm not really sure you'd like to compare your relationship to sid and nancy. Sure they loved each other but they were addicted to drugs. And that led to the demise of the sex pistols, and well...later to the death of both sid and nancy. I guess if they're into that thing, then well...ergh have fun.
So in other news. I got invited to my 5th year high school reunion. I feel kind of old. What's great about it, is that it's at have a nice day cafe. This place isn't a cafe, it's a club. I've never set foot in a club like that, so I'm not sure if I want to go or not. Plus the thing is $20 to attend, this includes all you can drink alcohol. Now, this would be great if I drank alcohol. If I do go I can't wait to see former classmates drunk! (note the sarcasm)
In funnier news, when I was driving in Frederick, I saw a pickup truck with the license plate "FREDNEK". Now most people don't find that amusing, but I literally laughed out loud when I saw that. I wish I could have taken a picture of that.
Googling "sima" fun: www.sima.com =Surf Industry Manufacturers Association
Song of the day: "At the party" by Northern State
Tuesday, October 04, 2005
the hay stack charm around your neck
One more bad idea courtesy of me. If you decide to watch the royal tenenbaums, don't watch it if you know you're going to sleep while watching it. I think I had it playing 4 times saturday night. And where did I wake up everytime? Richie's suicide scene playing "needle in the hay" by elliott smith. It's ironic that this song was picked for this particular scene since elliott subsequently committed suicide.
I found that at emmie magazine
I really want to see that thumbsucker movie. It's out now. But of course it doesn't play anywhere near hagersbush.....figures. So on saturday I decided to go to the "in the street" festival in frederick. By the time I had gotten there most of the stuff was gone. But I sure am glad I didn't miss the square dancing. So as I was walking down the street (wearing a lot of green) this guy yells to me "i heart green". Yeah that was special. Then a few seconds later this other guy tries to talk to me asking me how I am. Frederick people are so weird!

Film: The Royal Tenenbaums Song: Elliott Smith’s “Needle in the Hay” The Scene: When Ritchie Tenenbaum (Luke Wilson) finds out that his half sister and the love of his life, Margot Tenenbaum (Gwyneth Paltrow), had sex with his best friend, Eli Cash (Owen Wilson), he decides he needs to take a closer look into his life. And a closer look he takes–all the way into the veins of his wrists. After shaving his beard and cutting his hair in a dimly lit green bathroom, Ritchie attempts suicide by slitting his wrists to the cryptic, yet beautiful “Needle in the Hay.” Why it Works: The mood the song creates coincides perfectly with the mood director Wes Anderson tries to produce with this scene. The song slowly creeps in from the previous scene and comes to a normal level as Ritchie sheds the wristbands and sunglasses that had previously characterized him, then proceeds to cut his hair while shots of Margot and him together as children are spliced in over Smith singing, “you say you know what he did/ but you idiot kid/ you don't have a clue.” The creepy and betrayed vibe of the song amplifies the feelings of betrayal and bewilderment Ritchie feels as he realizes the anguish within him, leading him to mutter out loud, “I am going to kill myself tomorrow,” while the chorus repeats, “Needle in the Hay.” Ritchie feels just like a needle in a haystack that is never going to be found, especially knowing that the only true love in his life has slept with his best friend. Therefore, his only option is suicide, and as an audience we buy into his logic because the presence of the song gives us insight into the feelings that Ritchie was not able to convey through the normal conventions of narration.
I found that at emmie magazine
I still don't understand why he said he was going to "kill himself tomorrow" when he did it that instant. I guess it'll always remain a mystery, but it is a completely creepy scene when I think about it. Maybe because it reminds me of elliott smith too much. Speaking of elliott, october 21st is the 2 year anniversary of his death. How depressing.
I really want to see that thumbsucker movie. It's out now. But of course it doesn't play anywhere near hagersbush.....figures. So on saturday I decided to go to the "in the street" festival in frederick. By the time I had gotten there most of the stuff was gone. But I sure am glad I didn't miss the square dancing. So as I was walking down the street (wearing a lot of green) this guy yells to me "i heart green". Yeah that was special. Then a few seconds later this other guy tries to talk to me asking me how I am. Frederick people are so weird!
Thursday, September 01, 2005
they can't close giant eagle
So I went in to go shopping at giant eagle today. I found out they were closing their doors September 24th. It's crazy really, I really liked that food store, and it was so convieniently close. What's funnier is the conversation people had about the closure(Hagerstown people are so freakin weird):
Wednesday, August 31, 2005
it's hot in here, why are you wearing a sweater?
So good old historic jonathan st in hagerstown. man that road. Today I was on jonathan st, trying to get home. One dude walks across the street..jaywalking I might add..then as I pass him he tried to walk back into the middle. AMAZING. Then this lady standing on the side of the road, you could actually see the spit that came out of her mouth when she spit on the sidewalk. haha. All you see on this street is people sitting outside watching the cars go by. Oh wait, well, thats most of downtown hagerstown. It's just interesting. I wonder if they're bored, or just hot from being inside. One day I'll find out.
Saturday, July 30, 2005
from destructive urges reason emerges

Song for today:
"this is not the aesthetic" -the lapse
Movie for today:
fight club. "you've met me at a very strange time in my life"
Saturday, July 23, 2005
you look tired.

Song of the day:
Anna Oxygen "spectacle"
Monday, July 18, 2005
changing watches=disaster

So, my watch I've had forever's battery is dieing, so I had to switch to an auxillary watch today. My watch doesn't have gold, but silver...silver is so much cooler. It really messed things up for me. I couldn't get to sleep last night and it took an hour and 50 minutes to get to work today due to a badddddd accident in Frederick.
FREDERICK, MD- Two people are dead after a serious accident on South Mountain Rest Area off Interstate 70 in Frederick.Maryland State Police said it happened at about 3:30 a.m. today when a pickup truck slammed into a tractor trailer parked on the shoulder of a rest stop. The car's driver and passenger died. Police have not confirmed their identities. As of this morning, the truck is lodged underneath the trailer. The driver of the tractor trailer is okay. He was sleeping in a bunk bed at the time. The right hand lane of the roadway is still closed, but Interstate 70 East is open to traffic. We will continue to follow this developing story.
So I got to work late, and my day just sucked from there on. I guess one good thing that came out of today was that I found out Panera is coming to Hagerstown!! It's going to be right near the borders, just a few miles from me. That is exciting news.
Saturday, July 16, 2005
free borf

I guess I'm getting the rain that everyone was talking about earlier in the day. Well, good thing I didn't water my flowers earlier cos I would felt like an idiot. So in my quest to find neat places around here I went to shops in historic downtown frederick. brookay gave me this page in lucky about shopping in frederick so I went to some of those stores. The only stores I bought something from was Le Savon( a place that makes its own soap) and this small Italian food place. It was a nice walk though. I managed to make my way to francis scott key mall and went to panera bread. I love panera bread's half sandwich half salad thing. I wish there was one in hagerstown!! I finally spotted borf...well not really, I guess it was someone wanting borf to be freed.
On my way home from work on friday this lady in an suv decided to cut me off on 70. Her license plate said "Napalm" that is kinda weird, and scary. Man it sucks when yer scratching yer leg and then all the sudden it feels just a little too good and you realize its a mosquito bite...damn them!

song of the day:
"sweet adeline"- elliott smith
street of the day:
n market st.
license plate:
an alaskan license plate!
Wednesday, July 13, 2005
my flowers!

Song of the day:
"Video game heart" by all girl summer fun band
Movie I'll be falling asleep to tonight:
(Same as before) "Singles"
Road of the day:
Eastern Ave- cos it takes forever going home this way. I should just cut through the city like I do in the am.
Tuesday, July 12, 2005

So my latest obe

Song I'm currently listening to:
Say Hi to your Mom: "Super"
Movie I'll be falling asleep to tonight:
Interesting.... I'll get calls from my mother and her being confused on the other end expecting to reach someone else..."oh I didn't mean to call you"
Monday, July 11, 2005
Repetitive Monotonous
So today...in the great tradition of driving to work, I was on dual highway passing sheetz and saw this man driving a van going the wrong way on the road. I was like wow, this man has got to be drunk. It was really quite amusing. So where we park at work there are these plum trees on the island. There was this chick in a truck who was picking the plums off the tree. I guess maybe it doesnt seem funny out of context, but it was damn funny to me and my coworkers.
Song of the day: "True Love" by Elliott Smith
Outfit of the day: Black dress, black cardigan, black textured tights, and black mary janes.
Picture of the day: Washington Co Fine Arts Museum...located in City Park.
Song of the day: "True Love" by Elliott Smith
Outfit of the day: Black dress, black cardigan, black textured tights, and black mary janes.
Picture of the day: Washington Co Fine Arts Museum...located in City Park.

Wednesday, April 27, 2005
pour some misery down on me
It looks like I'll be a resident of hagerstown next week. Being a homeowner is crazy. I don't want to grow up. So a certain someone who used to be in my class for ivt has been exchanging emails with the ivt instructor that I think is so nice to look at. After class today I got an email from that instructor just saying hi. I think something is fishy! But it was nice conversing with him because he's great. Too bad he lives in georgia.
I found this website that has some mp3's that seem kind of interesting. http://www.thecrutch.net/
This website has a new tullycraft mp3 that should be checked out: http://www.threeimaginarygirls.com/
Recently I've been watching felicity after I get off of work. My college experience was nothing like that. Did they ever goto class? I wish felicity was still on the air so I could see how they ended up. Can you believe that show came on like 6 years ago?
So I was perusing the radio stations on the way home from work and found that let's get it started song from the black eyed peas on. That same song is the intro to my ivt instruction for the day. I was like noooo I don't wanna learn!!
Weird thing on the road today: a tiny stool.

skirt brooke bought me for only 9 bucks!!
I found this website that has some mp3's that seem kind of interesting. http://www.thecrutch.net/
This website has a new tullycraft mp3 that should be checked out: http://www.threeimaginarygirls.com/
Recently I've been watching felicity after I get off of work. My college experience was nothing like that. Did they ever goto class? I wish felicity was still on the air so I could see how they ended up. Can you believe that show came on like 6 years ago?
So I was perusing the radio stations on the way home from work and found that let's get it started song from the black eyed peas on. That same song is the intro to my ivt instruction for the day. I was like noooo I don't wanna learn!!
Weird thing on the road today: a tiny stool.

skirt brooke bought me for only 9 bucks!!

Monday, April 11, 2005
she said----duh
Note to self: do not...do not get less than 8 hours of sleep a night. Today was crazy kinda boring, and I found myself wanting to sleep the majority of the day.
today on my way to work I saw another mattress on the side of the road. Kinda funny, maybe I should tally how many mattresses I see. On my way home elliott smith's miss misery was playing. I was like aw, thank goodness for wtmd to brighten up my commute home. The cd adapter doesn't work in the afternoon(cos it gets hot out) so listening to the cd player is out.
I really wanna go shopping at urban outfitters. I haven't been in so long and I have such an urge to shop for clothes! I know they're expensive but, the sale section is the greatest. Where else can you find a shirt that was originally priced $60 for $10?
This was my friendster horoscope for today:
You've been trying to figure out what that feeling is all day. You woke up with it this morning and you just can't shake it. Well, don't be surprised if you realize that it's quite familiar to you. It's called passion, and it doesn't just apply to someone you find seriously attractive. There are all kinds of passion. You're experiencing the whole range, and you'll keep feeling it all day long. Use this gift wisely.

artwork in museum on the seam in jerusalem
today on my way to work I saw another mattress on the side of the road. Kinda funny, maybe I should tally how many mattresses I see. On my way home elliott smith's miss misery was playing. I was like aw, thank goodness for wtmd to brighten up my commute home. The cd adapter doesn't work in the afternoon(cos it gets hot out) so listening to the cd player is out.
I really wanna go shopping at urban outfitters. I haven't been in so long and I have such an urge to shop for clothes! I know they're expensive but, the sale section is the greatest. Where else can you find a shirt that was originally priced $60 for $10?
This was my friendster horoscope for today:
You've been trying to figure out what that feeling is all day. You woke up with it this morning and you just can't shake it. Well, don't be surprised if you realize that it's quite familiar to you. It's called passion, and it doesn't just apply to someone you find seriously attractive. There are all kinds of passion. You're experiencing the whole range, and you'll keep feeling it all day long. Use this gift wisely.

artwork in museum on the seam in jerusalem

Sunday, April 10, 2005
I think I might try and start playing my guitar again. That way I could learn some elliott smith songs. That would be way cool. His stuff might be hard, but practice makes perfect! Sometime this week I'll buy a ticket to go see the decemberists. I watched 12 monkeys last night, that movie was a trip and a half. My brain hasn't been warped by a movie in awhile. Maybe one day I'll watch it with no commercials.
fortune cookie: "You never hesitate to tackle the most difficult problems"
Good news: Elliott Smith B sides is back up! Their website went down cos they were using too much bandwidth or something.

This is from my israel picture collection!
fortune cookie: "You never hesitate to tackle the most difficult problems"
Good news: Elliott Smith B sides is back up! Their website went down cos they were using too much bandwidth or something.

This is from my israel picture collection!

Saturday, April 09, 2005
This week was a loooong week. We had a test this week and I did pretty well. Hopefully I'll do well on the up and coming tests. So it looks like I'll be moving to my townhome sometime this month. It's exciting and scary at the same time. I've never really lived on my own, so this will be interesting. Plus I'll be in a whole different county and everything. I've seen pretty random things on the road while commuting to work: a matress, lots of clothes, gloves, and a bumper. It makes me wonder who picks up the random stuff that happens to end up on the side of the road. The whole o and 0 license plate thing...haven't seen any o's so I'm assuming that they just use zeroes. Maryland must have new license plate tags too. I've seen under the weird mix of letters and numbers, www.maryland.gov. It's kinda funny that the letters and numbers are mixed together cos the plates look fake. They should have really started off with more letters and numbers, but why would they think that far ahead? It's sort of like the y2k issue they had with using shortcuts.
Tuesday, April 05, 2005
hmmm. so, I created some groups on friendster cos I'm cool like that. Elliott Smith and indie. I don't know if anyone will really join them but I figured it was worth a try. I also found my old profile on notcoolclub.com It's a cute website. Today was really pretty, er is really pretty, I guess it's not over yet.
thought for day: on normal md license plates, you have 3 letters and 3 numbers. So i was wondering since the 0 and the o looks so similiar, do they use both or just one or the other? I think I'll investigate when I'm on the road tomorrow.
I'm too lazy to put a picture up, so I'll just refer you to exploding dog. don't laugh, that's not funny <--that pretty much summarizes the day I think.
thought for day: on normal md license plates, you have 3 letters and 3 numbers. So i was wondering since the 0 and the o looks so similiar, do they use both or just one or the other? I think I'll investigate when I'm on the road tomorrow.
I'm too lazy to put a picture up, so I'll just refer you to exploding dog. don't laugh, that's not funny <--that pretty much summarizes the day I think.
Monday, April 04, 2005
my pink skirt.
This is my first blog post, I figured I'd jump on the bandwagon with the whole blog thing. I'm not cool enough to have a livejournal, so here I am. I created a post earlier today at work, but I guess it didn't want to go through. Anyways, this whole daylight savings time has thrown me off. It's only an hour, but it seems to have really thrown things off. So I gave this link to one of my coworkers to play this fun game. And well, it was really really really inappropriate to be playing at work, but it was really funny. So her and I were giggling incontrollably.
Song of the day: smells like teen spirit- nirvana (because they played it on break in class)
Person of the day: Kurt Cobain (because I think he died like 11 years ago around april 8th or something)
Outfit of the day: pink skirt, black mary janes, pink flower shirt, black cardigan.
Picture of the day:

my computer area!
Song of the day: smells like teen spirit- nirvana (because they played it on break in class)
Person of the day: Kurt Cobain (because I think he died like 11 years ago around april 8th or something)
Outfit of the day: pink skirt, black mary janes, pink flower shirt, black cardigan.
Picture of the day:

my computer area!

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