Film: The Royal Tenenbaums Song: Elliott Smith’s “Needle in the Hay” The Scene: When Ritchie Tenenbaum (Luke Wilson) finds out that his half sister and the love of his life, Margot Tenenbaum (Gwyneth Paltrow), had sex with his best friend, Eli Cash (Owen Wilson), he decides he needs to take a closer look into his life. And a closer look he takes–all the way into the veins of his wrists. After shaving his beard and cutting his hair in a dimly lit green bathroom, Ritchie attempts suicide by slitting his wrists to the cryptic, yet beautiful “Needle in the Hay.” Why it Works: The mood the song creates coincides perfectly with the mood director Wes Anderson tries to produce with this scene. The song slowly creeps in from the previous scene and comes to a normal level as Ritchie sheds the wristbands and sunglasses that had previously characterized him, then proceeds to cut his hair while shots of Margot and him together as children are spliced in over Smith singing, “you say you know what he did/ but you idiot kid/ you don't have a clue.” The creepy and betrayed vibe of the song amplifies the feelings of betrayal and bewilderment Ritchie feels as he realizes the anguish within him, leading him to mutter out loud, “I am going to kill myself tomorrow,” while the chorus repeats, “Needle in the Hay.” Ritchie feels just like a needle in a haystack that is never going to be found, especially knowing that the only true love in his life has slept with his best friend. Therefore, his only option is suicide, and as an audience we buy into his logic because the presence of the song gives us insight into the feelings that Ritchie was not able to convey through the normal conventions of narration.
I found that at emmie magazine
I still don't understand why he said he was going to "kill himself tomorrow" when he did it that instant. I guess it'll always remain a mystery, but it is a completely creepy scene when I think about it. Maybe because it reminds me of elliott smith too much. Speaking of elliott, october 21st is the 2 year anniversary of his death. How depressing.
I really want to see that thumbsucker movie. It's out now. But of course it doesn't play anywhere near hagersbush.....figures. So on saturday I decided to go to the "in the street" festival in frederick. By the time I had gotten there most of the stuff was gone. But I sure am glad I didn't miss the square dancing. So as I was walking down the street (wearing a lot of green) this guy yells to me "i heart green". Yeah that was special. Then a few seconds later this other guy tries to talk to me asking me how I am. Frederick people are so weird!
Its really a brilliant scene and still one my favorites.
The song & lyrics are so emotive, that relaying of the intent and cogintive state is made clear.
it's his step sister...not half sister. ick.
<3melissa henault
That excerpt is from another site. But yeah it is his step sister, not half sister.
she's his *adopted* sister. So, I'm not sure if that would still be called "step-", but either way, they are tied by law and not blood.
when you decide to kill yourself it's often like that (you were wondering why he said he'd do it the next day and did it anyways). you pick a day and are just so overwhelmed you figure why not do it immediately. what's the use in waiting?
I have nothing really to say about this in particular other than, 'bloggers are fucking retards'.
"I'm going to kill myself tomorrow" is a line from a French film, which is the inspiration behind the entire scene
Hello, I do not agree with the previous commentator - not so simple
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